The functions of the Office are set out in Act 481 as follows:

  • The establishment of stool land account for each stool into which shall be paid rents, dues, royalties, revenue or other payments whether in the nature of income or capital from the stool lands.

  • The collection of all such rents dues royalties, revenues or other payments whether in the nature of income or capital and to account for them to the beneficiaries specified in section 7 of Act 481.

  • The Administrator of Stool Lands and the Regional Lands Commission shall consult with the stools and other traditional authorities on matters relating to the administration and development of stool lands and shall make available to them the relevant information and data.

  • The Administrator of Stool Lands shall co-ordinate with the Lands Commission and other relevant public agencies, traditional authorities and stools in preparing policy framework for the rational and productive development and management of stool lands.


The services rendered by the Office are defined by its functions as set out in both in Article 267 of the Constitution and Act 481. The principal services provided by the Office are as follows:

  • Establishment of stool land account for each stool.

  • Collection of stool land revenues.

  • Disbursement of stool land revenues.

  • Sensitization of stakeholders on issues bordering on the management and use of stool lands.

  • Resolving of disputes related to management and administration of stool lands using ADR mechanism.

  • Advising stool landowners on the management of their land resources.